Cllr Douglas silverstone

Douglas was elected to Little Chalfont parish council in May 2021, because he wanted to make a difference to the local community. He is also a member of the planning committee.
Doug feels strongly that Little Chalfont is an environmentally sensitive area and that we are lucky to have such beautiful surroundings. At every level he feels we can make a difference to the climate emergency that we all face together. He is passionate about equality, green issues and ensuring fairness for all. He is driving a local environmental agenda, running regular Envionment Cafe's and supporting the creation of Sustainable Little Chalfont.

Also active in the Chesham Community having been a founder of Chesham Community Orchard, the local scout assocation and now starting a new community Garden in Waterside.

Professionally, he is the chief data officer for the Money Advice and Pensions Service, and has a background in the housing and advice sector. He has dyslexia and aphantasia, and is a trustee of AbilityNet, a national disability charity.

His interests include Disibility, inclusion, social housing, debt, and poverty alleviation.
