Sewage in our Rivers – UPDATE!!!

Thank you to the 1500 people who have signed the Green Party sewage petition in the past 9 days.

In collaboration with a motion from Cllr Robin Stutchbury (Lab) and Cllr Stuart Wilson (Ind) your signatures persuaded Bucks Council to pass a motion in which they accept that flushing sewage into our rivers is wrong.


Bucks Council can no longer turn a blind eye to water companies using OUR rivers as open sewers.

They have agreed to:

1. Write to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and to all Buckinghamshire Members of Parliament, making known the concerns of this Council and emphasising the importance of the Government bringing forward a clear strategy for ceasing this environmentally damaging practice as a matter of priority

2. Write to the Chief Executive(s) of those water companies with sewage treatment works discharging raw sewage into the Thames, Ouse, Wye and other waterways across Buckinghamshire to seek assurance that they will pursue a programme of capital investment that will “demonstrate improvements in the sewerage systems and progressive reductions in the harm caused by untreated sewage discharges” per the Lords’ Amendment.”

This is a great result for the people of Bucks and for our environment. You used your voices and you were heard!


Cllr Catherine Bunting, who led the petition campaign, said, “We have to hold our national and local government to account over their abysmal treatment of our environment. It is not theirs to sell to water companies, developers or to HS2. It our our country’s future and our legacy to our children. The people who signed used their voices and made this happen.

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