Climate Emergency Debate Silenced

Green Party Parliamentary candidate Zoe Hatch spoke at the Taplow Parish Council public forum last night (Tuesday 14th January) urging councillors to Declare a Climate Emergency. Following a recent survey of local residents where 100% of respondents said they wanted more action on Climate Change, Zoe called for councillors to go on record as recognising the climate emergency and to support local residents in cost-effective ways to reduce emissions. “Hundreds of councils up and down the country have already declared a Climate Emergency – including our neighbours in Maidenhead. It’s a really effective way of making sure that all the council’s policies consider their impact on the environment and it gives councillors the mandate to reduce emissions and explore ways of protecting local residents from the effects of climate change. Sadly in Taplow our parish council is passing up this golden opportunity to be a shining example of leadership in the community.” Zoe Hatch had initially been invited to speak on this issue by the Parish Council Chairman, Jamie Barnard, back in October but, in a shock move last week when the Chairman was out of the country, the Vice-Chair, Claire Price, removed the item from the agenda without consultation.

At the meeting, Zoe suggested numerous ways that the council debate the issue further – inviting them to collaborate with local green groups and build pathways for action. However, councillors were not even prepared to table the item for debate at the next meeting when called to do so. They noted that they were already protecting local footpaths and green areas and remained largely unmoved despite the obvious call by locals for more to be done.

“Everybody knows that we all need to work together to find solutions to this crisis but when the council won’t even table the item for debate on the agenda you really have to question why they are silencing further discussion on this issue?” she said. “However, I hope we can still find a way forward. I would like to appeal to our parish chair, Mr Barnard, to show more leadership than his colleagues, by reinstating this important issue for debate as soon as possible. I am still hopeful that we can build a collaborative working group moving forward,” she concluded. Notes: The Climate Emergency was previously tabled for debate as recorded in the following meeting minutes. Council amended the November meeting minutes last night and the new version has not yet been published. Ms Hatch is concerned that the new minutes may not give an accurate reflection of events. PC/115/119 (October Meeting Minutes)
115.5 The Chairman noted that Zoe Hatch had asked for the Council to consider declaring a climate emergency. This would be on the next agenda. PC/119/19 (November Draft Meeting Minutes)
To declare a climate emergency This item had been put on the agenda at the request of Mrs. Zoe Hatch who was unfortunately not well. The item was postponed to the next meeting.
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